2001: London, England

Cast of characters, left to right (center photo): Chris, Kathie, Alison, Mike, Hayden, Sarah, Tim, John, Charlie, Gillian, Bill, Jon, and Andy.

The Great Coordination Point Expedition travelled to London, England, in 2001, meeting at Cleopatra's Needle (on the north bank of the Thames River) on Saturday, August 11.

Before journeying to London, we received the following very interesting new channelled information on coordination points and their associated portals from Nabet, autotyped by Philip Stevens (Philip was a subscriber to the early mailing list on which the GCPE was born):

My Dear Bill:

You have positively mortified Philip with the notion that he might be able to provide you with specific information on Coordination Points, but I am perfectly willing to give this session a try and see how much undistorted information I can provide, with his willing participation, of course.

It should come as no surprise that every major, vibrant city has Coordination Points that act as attractors for those with a creative bent, and which helped to inspire the growth of that city, particularly in its early stages of development. After a good long while the city may settle into a pattern of familiarity that can on occasion stifle future development, or it may act to give the city a unique character that can inspire further creativity and draw in new people within its influence.

But that's not what you want to know -- your question is whether I can provide some clues as to where the major Coordination Points are in this great city of London. The heart of any city is obviously a good place to start on any such journey, since it is typically the oldest part, and the place where the city started to flourish in its early years. However, it doesn't follow that the very heart -- at least as it is defined today in the tourist brochures -- will contain the CP. Rather, it's more likely to be tucked away in some little nook, within an old bookstore, for instance, or some other such place that once (or still does) act to draw people of a creative bent, to socialize, to talk philosophy, and so on.

It wouldn't do for me to point out in precise detail the location of the CP (or CPs -- keep that possibility in mind), since that would spoil the fun. And Philip would feel particularly chagrined if the information proved to be incorrect.

However, I'm going to try and slip a few clues by Philip's conscious mind, just for fun on my part. A bookstore is indeed a likely place for a major CP, and the more eclectic the store, the better. Look for one that has been around for quite some time, and which is off the beaten path. It will probably be close to a small park, or some other little patch of nature that survives to this day as a place for people to meet outdoors and in the sunshine (when it shows itself in this famous city of fogs and greyness).

You might be tempted to go looking for the CP in a public library, but while it is likely for CPs to exist in such places, it is not likely to be the surroundings for a major CP. Libraries tend to contain a lot of books, many of which never get read on a regular basis, and for which information about the books is not always readily available from the staff, who may or may not have a breath and depth of knowledge about the tomes contained within. A small, possibly struggling (from a financial point of view) bookstore tucked away on a corner of a narrow lane is more likely to attract those seeking conversation with a store owner who has personally chosen many of the volumes to display on the shelves.

A city as old and historied as London is not likely to have a single major CP, so be prepared to find yourself confused by the tug and pull of multiple CPs. As with any enterprise of this sort, your intuitions will be of vital importance. It is particularly important to stay away from the tourist areas as much as possible, as tourists are generally not drawn to CPs; their purpose for being there is typically of a more mundane nature.

As an example of the sorts of places you might like to seek out, consider the marketplace at Notting Hill, although even that particular example is sufficiently well known as to be a tourist trap. (Whoever coined that particular phrase knew what they were trying to say.)

Now, regarding the portal, Philip has absolutely no idea what you were referring to here, so he is quite effectively blocking anything I might want to say on this particular subject. But let me see what I can do.

There is a simple way to determine if there is a portal in the vicinity of a major CP; it is a matter of straying from the beaten path and seeing whether or not you get lost trying to find your way back, for any portal is likely to lead to an area that is connected to the source in a fundamentally vital way. The architecture of the destination is likely to be similar, although the time period may not.

Since you will not encounter that many people on your journey through the portal and in the surrounding areas on both sides, however, you may not realise precisely which century you are in. The only real clue you will have that you've passed through a portal is that you will get lost trying to find your way back to the more well travelled areas. And, by the time you do find your way back, you will have travelled back through the portal and into your own time and place.

This leads to another important fact, that the portal itself is not some round hole in time and space (like a stargate). Instead, it is more like an area that covers a sizable amount of space, but with fuzzy edges that might be seen to shimmer if you were attuned to this sort of thing. So you can blunder into a portal and back out again without noticing a doorway of any kind.

In addition, it's not a case that the portal is a continuous boundary surrounding an area; rather it is patchy; however, it is patchy in only one direction. This is a little hard to understand, but think of it this way: The destination behind the portal is not your time and place, so it is not easy to find the doorway that leads in. But once you are there, you are going to find yourself drawn back to your place of origin, and so the passage back through the portal boundary will be much easier to find and cross. As a consequence, you are not likely to stumble through a portal and not find your way back.

One more point to note is that in a very real sense, you are not travelling through time and space to reach a real destination; rather, the trip is largely a mental construct. You may or may not dematerialize from your own time and place in order to reach the destination; you may instead, from the point of view of onlookers, continue to wander around your own time and place as you simultaneously explore the destination that you have travelled to.

For travel of this sort is primarily one of changing your conscious focus such that you are no longer aware of your own time and place, but instead are aware of some other time and place that has a definite connection, spiritually and mentally, to your own.

If you are beginning to suspect that the dream state is such a portal, then you are of course completely correct. It's not quite the same, but there are striking similarities. In the dreamstate you are travelling through portals all the time, and yet your connection with the waking world is so strong that you can pass back through any portal to your waking world in a heartbeat. This is also true of a portal that is connected with a CP. Since both time and space as you know it are puckered around a CP, it is somewhat easier to slip through the cracks and into a different time and space. The two places are, of course, connected via the same CP.

However, as I said, the trip you take is more likely to be mental than physical, since it is the mental portion of your being that can slip through a CP and find itself elsewhere. Your ego-bound self is likely to protest at the possibility of having your body dematerialize in order to travel through a CP, and simply not permit it. Thus, if you really want to try and slip through one of these portals, you might want to consider using meditation as a tool.

If you can achieve a sufficiently dissociated state, then when you get up and walk around you may find yourself slipping through a portal with ease. Of course the downside to this approach is that you won't have a clear recollection of what you were doing in your own time and place while your mind was off exploring the other side of the portal.

But considering how difficult you find it to hold multiple conscious points of focus, this won't be too much of a surprise. The whole point of the dissociation is to end up with a more mallable ego that won't be too frightened when you start to receive the inner data that is then projected outwards to produce the time and place behind the portal, as a sensory experience.

Much love to you all,

Additional Material on Those Drawn to CPs

This is the easiest question to answer -- Why are creative types drawn to CPs? I should hardly have to provide an answer to this one: creativity is, of course, the foundation of the inner world. CPs are the connective points between the inner and outer worlds, so people who are in tune with their creativity are naturally drawn to such places. It provides them with the additional energy that they can channel into their creative works. It is much the same effect as the sun has on the physical creatures of this earth, not to mention the mineral portions as well; all life -- and all consciousness -- thrives on the sun’s beneficial effects much as those with creative minds thrive on the beneficial effects of CPs.

However, there is one last point I feel I should make: creativity comes in many guises, some of which you are disinclined to credit. Thus some of the people drawn to CPs, especially main CPs, might go unrecognized by you. But when you do find your main CPs in London, pay particular attention to the people that surround you, and you might get a glimmer of what forms true creativity can be in.

After assembling at Cleopatra's Needle, we adjourned for coffee and conversation at a nearby outdoor cafe in the Victoria Embankment Gardens. Although some present had belonged to the original mailing list on which the GCPE originated, by now there were many lists and not everyone was familiar with everyone else. This was soon remedied as we decided on our course of action after a brief meditation.

We then took "the tube" (London's subway system, formally known as The Underground, complete with its loud "Mind the gap!" announcements issuing forth at most stops) to The City.

The City, occupying the site of the original Roman settlement, Londinium, is contemporary London's financial center. The City is virtually empty on weekends; this made the party of pith helmeted GCPErs searching it for energy anomalies seem like a StarTrek "away" team, beamed down to a mysteriously empty planet.

After some confusion, we began to employ our inner senses, and found distinct anomalies at the locations of several old churches. Eventually, after much roaming and a long break in a local Starbucks, we got to St. Paul's Cathedral, meditating on its grounds.

Afterwards, those lacking commitments elsewhere adjourned to Andy's apartment in East London, later sharing dinner in a nearby pub. (Interestingly, a "ringer" for Jane Roberts was in the pub -- we asked her to take the photo of us.)

The next day we met at Notting Hill, having lunch and exploring this neighborhood before journeying again into The City, where we sat inside what is left of the church of St. Bartholomew-the-Great, built in 1123. (The modern street level, visible through windows, was about six feet higher than the floor of the church). Afterwards, we checked out the Barbican Centre before sharing dinner and saying our farewells.

Although we found a number of "energetic" locations, we did not find a Main CP anything like the one in Central Park. This was a bit disappointing, but the Expedition on the whole was a great adventure and lots of fun, nevertheless. London is a huge place, absolutely filled with any number of intriguing items and locations from its 2,000-year history; it was impossible to cover all of it in only two days.

Months later, an oversoul (the same oversoul who provided the location of Central Park years before) gave us the location of one of London's Main CPs:

"Hyde Park -- Speaker's Corner. Why would so many speak if not?"

The Great Coordination Point Expedition will return to London before long to follow up on this information.

GCPE Main Page
1997 NYC Expedition
2003: Central Park Revisited
2004: The Italian Expeditions

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