RealityTest occasionally interviews interesting personalities, some presently alive, some not; interviews with future probable personalities will also, in time, be included.

1. Miss Sylvallah Brown Interviews Samuel Clemens
2. The Channelled H.G. Wells Speaks Again on The Change
3. Cheeky D and his Future Selves
4. The Right Spook for the Job: John O'Neill Investigates 9/11

1. Miss Sylvallah Brown Interviews Samuel Clemens

Miss Brown, addressed as Miss Sylvallah by Mr. Clemens, lives in 19th Century New England. Her voice is conveyed by courtesy of Sarah Johnson, while Samuel Clemens (1835-1910) employs Kevin Budd (see also Kevin's musical YouTube presentation) as his "scribe."

Prefatory remarks by Miss Sylvallah: Dear Reader: This reporter recently had the honor of interviewing one of the finest writers ever born in America. His stories not only entertain, but capture our imaginations and teach us about ourselves as people and as a nation. Today, Mr. Clemens is still as entertaining as he ever was. He communicates through his "scribe", Mr. Budd, who is, oddly enough, a Canadian!

Miss Sylvallah: Mr. Clemens, what do you value most today?

Mr. Clemens: Miss Sylvallah, I most value the same things as I did when I inhabited the earthly world. Should I stop enjoyin' a good cigar? Should I perhaps turn a blind eye to a shapely female? I sense you want a deep and philosophical answer and I am willin' to oblige you by sayin' this: the greatest positive force in my life was love, and my connections to others. I had many sad losses in my time, and in the wider perspective now afforded me, I understand those losses as temporary, and necessary. Temporary because they were experienced by me as temporal, as events of "time", and necessary, because all of us who live on earth do decide to make an exit when it feels appropriate.

Miss Sylvallah: Has this changed since your transition?

Mr. Clemens: I believe I have largely answered that one above. They say time changes everythin', and I would alter that hoary proverb by sayin' that "Time limits our perception of everything." Bein' now largely free of that limitin' encumbrance, I enjoy the moments of my experience most deeply indeed. Tempus may fugit, but I will always remember.

Miss Sylvallah: In what other ways have you changed since your transition?

Mr. Clemens: Since my sneakin' behind the velvet curtain of existence, I have noticed that my clothes fit me better. A cigar burns longer. I have time to enjoy the small pleasures and I am greatly pleased to spend many a perceived hour baskin' in the warm affection I still receive from livin' Americans and those others who also read my words. I have come to an understandin' of existence that is far more positive than that which I carried about while strictly physical. Like a suit, it fits me better. I feel my place as part of humanity, and understand the role I played in formin' the personality of the United States.

Miss Sylvallah: You are often considered the greatest American writer. Why do you think your stories, in particular, so completely captured the imagination of Americans?

Mr. Clemens: It does get mighty tiresome to hear such glowin' terms again and again...not to me of course, but to you it must at any rate. I wrote at a time when the United States was full of promise, and yet sought direction. We were still uncertain of ourselves and our future. We were a land almost through adolescence but not yet adult. We were strong but not fully knowin' our strength. We had fought with our parents, the British, and claimed our self-hood. We had fought with our siblin's, and found our identity. We were on the brink of attainin' our true place in the world, and so, we were open to suggestions, and lookin' for inspiration. I did not write with lessons in mind, or to create great literature, but with a loving humor that my fellows could identify with, in simple tales of simple people. I knew what it was to be poor, to be rich, to lose a loved one, to gain love. Any child seeks a hero, a guide, and in my humble way I helped to parent the United States. And a proud, if sometimes troubled, father I became too. That is why, you see, I smoke so many cigars. I am still proud, still celebratin' the birth. There is nothing like a fine smoke to ease a man's troubles.

Miss Sylvallah: From where do you procure your cigars?

Mr. Clemens: Hmmm. I have not seemed to purchase any. They seem always to be available to me in a small wooden box on my writing table. It is a hinged contraption, in dark wood, with a humidifyin' element internally to keep the smokes from dryin'. This is an arrangement I enjoy greatly.

Miss Sylvallah: Do you look in on the physical world at different times? That is, are you aware of the current events of various centuries, past and future relative to your own?

Mr. Clemens: I do like to keep up on things, but it is as though I were receivin' letters from a far off land, from a cousin who I liked, perhaps, or an acquaintance with whom I have largely lost touch. It happens you know, even while alive. We move on, and still enjoy readin' the news now and again, chucklin' at the continued misunderstandin's, the way folks will still be folks. If something strikes my interest, as a new development in communication, or a slyly revealin' female bathin' suit design, then I do sit up and take some notice. Now my presence here is just such an example. I was drawn to communicate through this medium by the simple ease it seems to offer. I always detested writin' by hand, and was one of the first to purchase a typing machine when they appeared. Now this is made even easier since my trusty scribe, Mr. Budd, has a similar sense of humor to mine, and has kindly offered to take down my words. As a writer with an inflated sense of self-importance, how could I not grab at such a chance?

You may wonder if I am aware of the suffering of the world, the wars and the various contagions that still ravage innocent people. It is my enjoyment of what I love, and not my hatred of what I once despised, that heals and cleanses a man's character. I hated war, and felt bitterly helpless in its face, but I see that humanity is indeed growing away from such encounters, and that in the greater view I now have, such activities truly become meaningless.

Miss Sylvallah: With whom do you spend your time these days?

Mr. Clemens: Why my dear Miss Sylvallah! Are you suggesting we have a rendevous some "time"? If we can work out the mechanics, I would be most amenable. I am not presently promised to any other female!

But kidding aside, for the nonce, I spend most of my time alone, which is how I wish it. Of an evening I wander into the lounge in what appears to be a hotel where I have rooms. There I can enjoy the company of various passersby, and as I previously mentioned, have encountered your own Seth there. We enjoyed a brandy and some good tobacco. The gentleman has a dry sense of humor, not unlike my own. There are others I greet when out for an evening stroll. I have mental communications with others, or emotional communications with them. I think of my wife, for example, and then I am closely aware of our shared affection. When I am moved to ponder some issue or seek out some answers, some likely person manages to drop by in the lounge and we chat about what concerns me. As you will now realize, the same happens on your side of the velvet curtain too, though it may appear less obvious to most. I find a small consumption of alcohol can aid one's perceptions markedly.

Miss Sylvallah: Can you tell us about any of your other lives that you have lived?

Mr. Clemens: Your question here suggests that I have had great scales torn from my eyes, and though I saw through a glass darkly, I now see clearly, and all that. I am ponderin' your question to test my own perceptions. I understand your inquiry and I am attempting' to see what I can see. That intent is itself pushing back some barriers. One moment... something Roman came to mind, something Elizabethan too, in England, an African existence, and some future activity... all seeming to involve communications of some sort. I believe in Africa I am a primitive who tells stories, legends of his people. I see myself in England, wearing flouncy clothes and publicly holding forth, givin' speeches. My Roman self seems to be writing, recording the near future, to your understandin, I am in the center of a number of electronic communication machines, gathering and sending messages about the world. I am excited to see this, as it seems like a stimulatin' environment.

Miss Sylvallah: How do you perceive time now?

Mr. Clemens: I still keep a fine gold watch in my vest pocket, as much as a part of a gentleman's accoutrements, as for its timepiece function. However, in a word, time is flexible. I have been indulgin' my self since my crossing over the Styx, and when you do this, time does seem to fly right on by. I have noticed that I can extend an enjoyment greatly, and often do so, and I can seem to skip over what might bore me. Some have wondered why I am "still" sitting about in my study, still smokin', and still ramblin' on like the old man I became. Well, it is because I love it! This self is a me that I deeply appreciate. This hoary fellow really came to love his cantankerous manner, and I therefore choose to maintain it, like a trusted antique automobile.

The decades since my passin' are viewable almost like a photo album. I can open it up, and recall most vividly sitting on the porch with my family, or talkin' to my brother in Hannibal, as a boy. I love those parts of my experience, and pull them out regularly for inspection.

Miss Sylvallah: Have you met God?

Mr. Clemens: Ha! You make an old man laugh! While alive, I surely encountered the devil on more than a few occasions. Over here, old Nick seems otherwise occupied. I have met no white haired wise old man in fine clothes who shares the deepest secrets of existence...oh wait, I am describin' myself! I can say, however, that I am somehow simply aware of a sparkle to the atmosphere, a positive mood or gentle lovin' presence that I can only compare to bein' in love. If that is God, well, so be it.

Miss Sylvallah: Do you ever encounter your characters (from your books) now?

Mr. Clemens: Now this is an odd query, Miss Sylvallah! And I shall attempt to answer it in a similar vein! In a state of reverie I have spoken with Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn, and most every other character I created. I have also encountered many comely young ladies and "interacted" with them as well. They are fictional of course, and not, like me, a TRUE ghost! As you fully believe in my actual existence, I also maintain a similar faith in their bein', and humbly accept that they do have some kind of reality, not just for me, but for millions of my readers. Please understand that many livin' people encounter my characters too!

Miss Sylvallah: Do you have other stories you wish you could write now?

Mr. Clemens: I do indeed. My creative sap now rises from a simple pleasure in creatin', and not so acutely from financial need. Ideas occur to me from time to time, and I may attempt to convince my scribe to take down my still-golden words. He has some interest in the project. We shall see. There is no hurry.

Miss Sylvallah: Do you have any "future" plans?

Mr. Clemens: Nope.

2. The Channelled H.G. Wells Speaks Again on The Change

Asked for some additional thoughts on The Change (see Old Pages -- The Change), RealityTest's version of the discarnate Wells obliged.

You are in the final stages of what is described in the Book of Revelation, although that rendition is unnecessarily obfuscated with centuries, no -- millennia, of adornments as it suited the fashion of the various periods. We have also entered the final era of the Mayan calendar. It is not that the Maya thought that the world would end in 2012, simply that human beings as we know them would transform at that point into something that would have no need of such a device as a calendar. They had great confidence in this, and by and large, little dread. Of course those to whom physical possessions were important had a certain reluctance to enter an era where any physical item could be brought into reality by anyone, thereby rendering rare items relatively valueless, or rather of proper value.

"What does this mean for us?" is the obvious question, and I include myself here as well, because this change does not only affect those of you on the physical plane, but those of us here who are still able to view and connect with the physical. I have no doubt that the less physical realms will be affected as well, even though they may have greater comprehension of what The Change involves, and indeed had more than a little hand in instigating it.

There is turbulence in your world. There is war, there are poisons, disease. These of course have always been with us, but now news of each new disaster is available to a large part of the world with great immediacy. Feelings sway this way and that. They are synchronized by your communications media, and move in lockstep. I use the word advisedly -- remember the story of the bridge destroyed by the soldiers marching in unison? This unison resulted ultimately in chaos (for the bridge, in this case) and for "the world as we know it" in our case.

This chaos is not necessarily a bad thing, although difficult to weather, particularly without the observer’s perspective. Our best approach to these pre-birth convulsions is to recognize that this is a threshold, and hold firmly but not rigidly to our values and most importantly, an abundant sense of humor. I will tell you now that this is one of the greatest gifts that we have -- to be able to laugh at ourselves and our individual and collective foibles, for this laughter summons the observer, allows us to see beyond ourselves.

There will be virtually worldwide epidemics of some kind, or possibly radiation poisoning, unless much of the current climate of fear is channeled into hope, or other more positive emotions. The shape of your creations or the ‘flavor,’ if you will, is constructed by the feelings you put into them. Suppressed rage, hate, and fear create a climate of great discomfort and perceived trials and tribulations.

The reason for such things is not to punish you for being bad but to make it abundantly clear that to create beauty, delight and pleasure, you have to use the right tools. Hence all the religious prattlings about faith. I apologize if I have offended any by using such a word, but much of the time those who wrote truth had no comprehension of what they wrote. During hard times, the road to better ones is paved with an attitude of "Yes, this is very rough now, but let’s see what good I can get out of it in the meantime." The more often you can take this perspective, the more quickly the problems will pass, and the more easily you will learn not to recreate them.

You will do yourself great good by making sure that you do what is needed to keep yourself optimistic. Not, of course in a jaw-clenched, determined way, but in an allowing way. Make your surroundings as pleasant as possible. Be kind to yourself. Make it a point to stop and appreciate something several times a day. The things appreciated will, in their own way, appreciate you in return, and you will inevitably derive some subtle benefit from them. When you grant this appreciation to another human, to an animal or to a rock or flower or to a deity, you strengthen them and make them more able to participate in positive creation. This is the key behind the "Love your enemies" admonition that repeatedly shows up in religious literature. "Appreciate your enemies" would be a better translation. When you find and acknowledge, even just to yourself, that there is good in another, you contribute to enlarging that good.

Now I am getting too pompous about this, due to the strength of my feelings on the subject. It is like watching someone scream in pain because he has put his hand on a hot burner and is not removing it. You may feel pity, but even more, you feel exasperation. "Why doesn’t he just take his hand off the burner and put it in ice water, for God’s sake?" And how long can you even have sympathy if he steadfastly refuses to remove the hand but continues to shriek?

So to close I will simply say that to live in interesting times is not a curse after all, but can be perceived as a blessing instead. These times have great energy and this is just as susceptible to being viewed as powerful, dramatic, blessed and frequently hilarious in its absurdity.

3. Cheeky D and his Future Selves

RealityTest first encountered Cheeky D during a cruise through Internet mailing lists -- that elder region of electronic words and thoughts where great numbers of people interact, posting away at all hours of the day and night.

Cheeky, whose full screen name is Cheeky Delinquent, lives in a rural area of a midwestern U.S. state. A self-professed Seth reader (see RealityTest's Resources section), he employs a form of mental time travel based on concepts found in the Seth material, and has learned to apply it to practical life situations.

Although Cheeky generally limits his communication to future selves existing only moments, hours, or days ahead of his present (from a linear time perspective), there is no reason this technique can't be extended into greater reaches of time.

Key to Cheeky's method is Seth's probable self concept; for this to be successful, he must access those probable selves of all of his many probable selves who have solved a particular problem or learned some skill or technique he desires.

These future probable selves could also include much more distant versions, including those found in other time periods altogether. See an exercise provided by the discarnate H.G. Wells focusing on just such possibilities in RealityTest's Doorways section.

RealityTest: What do you mean by "future selves?"

Cheeky: My future selves are the probable selves that I could become. There are probable selves that I will become and probable selves that I will never become. All of them are me and exist now.

RealityTest: When did you first become aware of your future selves?

Cheeky: I was reading a Seth book. Seth went into great detail about our various probable selves -- past, present and future -- and all the other selves that we weren't aware of that existed now and were fully accessible if only we wanted to access them. The idea of accessing them intrigued me.

According to Seth, my probable future selves already knew everything I currently knew, everything I would ever know, and everything I would never know as well. All I had to do was be tuned in and ask them for the information and it would be mine. The information comes to me mostly through my inner voice. Any can do this as we all are receiving information from our probable selves all the time.

RealityTest: How did you go about getting "tuned in?"

Cheeky: I made a commitment to have a two-way communication with my future self, a communication that allowed my present self to ask questions of my future self and receive clear, loud, and very specific answers in a manner similar to having a conversation with another person. This is something I wanted most dearly. I saw great value and potential here. The "trick" was how do I go about doing this?

The foundation of my method is the Seth Material. In Seth's books I found the keys to understanding the concepts of how it was possible. A chapter titled 'Which You? Which World?' from the book The Nature of Personal Reality (Copyright © 1974 by Jane Roberts) was extremely enlightening in this area.

Seth says that we are in constant communication with all of our probable selves at all times but we aren't tuned in consciously to hear it. There is so much other noise in our minds that the messages from our probable selves are drowned out, so we don't hear them, or we get bits and pieces which don't seem to make sense. We have learned to ignore them. The messages are there. We just have to tune in.

I tried meditation and found to my great surprise what my mind was really doing. When I tried to quiet my mind all kinds of thoughts were jumping out at me.

These included thoughts that I didn't like, such as playing out imaginary arguments with someone I was having a tough time dealing with or worries, such as where more money was going to come from to pay a pile of bills. These kinds of thoughts were getting louder and louder, literally shouting at me, as I tried to simply quiet my mind. No wonder I couldn't hear the inner voices of my probable selves. So I started meditating on a daily basis and I was really paying attention to what my background thoughts were throughout the day, and consciously stopping the negative ones.

Very quickly my mind quieted down from a deafening roar of chaos to a mellow flow of useful thoughts.

Then magic started happening. I was actually hearing my inner voices. A clear thought would just pop in at just the right moment, information I found useful right then and there. I was suddenly knowing things that only my future self could know. Because I wasn't used to this type of knowledge coming in this manner, I often didn't trust it. Soon after I was discovering that I should have listened.

Throughout this whole time I have been consciously sending messages back to my past self whenever I felt they were needed. Some just for fun, such as the winning lottery numbers, and some because I wish I had done something that would have been quite useful, such as bringing a certain tool or piece of equipment with me to the jobsite. (By the way, I still haven't gotten the winning lottery numbers.)

I was working both ends of the communications and keeping the channels wide open for reception by meditation. Over time I have learned to hear those messages and distinguish them from impulses generated by desire. Impulses generated by desire would be something like suddenly buying a bunch of lottery tickets, as opposed to buying just one with a specific number in mind.

I'm at the point now where I can ask specific questions of my future self and usually receive an answer. I do this mostly in problem solving. Examples include:

Something is broke. What was the cause and how did I finally fix it? (After all, I had to go through the process of troubleshooting the problem and I know that I finally would get it repaired, so why not skip right to the ending and save myself all of that trouble?)

I need to buy a part right now. Which parts store did I find it at? (I would have had to go to all the various stores until I found it, so again, why not skip the hassle of searching -- my future probable self already did that, and knows where I finally found it.)

I can't reach a client who lives 45 minutes from here by phone. He has to be there for me to do the work, but he's not expecting me today. Should I still go out there to do the job even though he may be outside and can't hear the phone, or wait until I get him on the phone? (A future probable self did go out there and has the answer, and that answer is available to me now.)

RealityTest: Can you provide our readers with an actual experience in which you asked a future self for help in fixing something?

Cheeky: Yes. I do excavating as one of my playtime activities. I live in a rural area with a few small towns widely scattered within a heavily forested area. One evening I was pulling my skidsteer on a trailer home from a long day's play when the electric brakes on the trailer failed. I was a long way from home and had to drive through a small town to get there. It was too dangerous to drive without trailer brakes, so I coasted to a stop on the shoulder of the highway to fix it. There are a lot of places that the electrical connection could be broken between the brake controller and the wheels and I didn't want to have to track it down as I didn't have the needed electrical tester with me. So I asked my future self where the problem was and how I could fix it. Instantly, I knew that I should check the blue wire in the trailer plug and tighten it with a screwdriver. I opened the plug casing and the blue wire WAS loose, so I screwed it tight and the brakes worked just fine! I was back on the road, safely headed home in a matter of moments.

RealityTest: How did the information come to you? In what form?

Cheeky: It was a loud clear voice. My voice.

RealityTest: What else do you ask your future self?

Cheeky: There are big questions I have asked, as well, such as:

Should I buy that $45,000 piece of equipment now, or wait? (My future probable selves know both sides of that question.)

Is this a business that I'll be glad I went into? (Once again, my future selves know all about it.)

RealityTest: Please tell us about that business.

Cheeky: Well, two and a half years ago I wanted to start a new playtime/business and playing in the dirt was something I loved to do as a kid. Doing it now with the big boys' toys seemed like fun, so I asked my future self if I was happy with that decision. Would I really really like it?

The answer was an enthusiastic "Hell yes! What are you waiting for?"

So I bought a large brand new Bobcat skidsteer, which is a story in itself, and went into the business.

The only drawback was that I didn't have any past experience to draw upon as how to go about bidding and estimating jobs, much less operating the equipment in a professional manner, and I certainly didn't want my prospective clients to know I didn't know what I was doing. I've never let things like that stop me, however.

I drew upon my future self's experience and guidance. It was simply amazing how accurate my hourly estimates were, once the job had been completed. I would meet with the client at the site and give them an estimated number of hours to do the job (the amount of time my inner voice was telling me, because the present "me" didn't really know) and I was always correct.

I would look at jobs and 'know' that this one will take three and one half hours, and that one will take six and one half hours, and another one will take twenty-two hours. It's not that it's difficult, but one does need to have enough experience to be able to size up the job matched to their abilities and the equipment and come up with an accurate number. That experience was available from my future self.

I didn't even know if my machine could actually do some of the things I was being asked to do with it. I just relied on the inner guidance of my future self. It was quite exciting at times but I always "knew" what to do and how to do it at the time I needed to know. I got quite a few compliments on my skill from my clients and they would say things like, "You sure make it look easy," or "You sure do know how to handle that machine!"

RealityTest: Please explain how your future self communicates when you are not actively asking it for information.

Cheeky: My future self sends me a lot of useful stuff all day long as I need it. One day I had worked from 7:00 am until just past 3:00 pm non-stop with no breakfast or lunch. On my way back I had to pass through a small town, where I decided I would stop and eat. I was really hungry. As I neared the cafe that I planned on stopping at, my future self spoke up, telling me to go straight home to eat instead. I didn't want to -- my stomach was grumbling and home was still thirty miles away. As I was slowing down to pull into the cafe, my future self again, this time quite loud and clear, urged me to go home to eat and not to stop here. I reluctantly passed the cafe by, and drove home. I was so hungry that I was thinking of searching for some old french fries that might have been lying on the floor of my truck under the seat.

As I came walking in the door of my home, my wife was just putting dinner on the table, a feast of roast chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, and more! She said it just got done when I pulled in and was hoping that I would show up. Was I glad that I listened to my future self and hadn't stopped at that cafe! I caught myself sending the message back to my past self right then and there, to come home to eat.

I have done a number of other really great things with this, such as suddenly gaining whole new areas of expertise without going through the process of learning it first, because my probable future selves have already done it for me.

RealityTest: You told a story about learning how to cook. Would you mind sharing it with us?

Cheeky: Sure. Years ago, I was trying to cook delicious meals. They were usually very odd tasting and no one would ever eat the leftovers. I was awful at making anything more complicated than canned soup. Even that wasn't very tasty.

Because I had read about future selves and how we can learn from them in Seth's books, I decided that if I had ever learned how to be a good cook in the future, I could get the information and use it right now. Why do it the hard way?

After a rather embarrassing dinner one night I made the decision that I was ready to know how to do it. Period.

When the wife and I went grocery shopping a few days later I was grabbing stuff off the shelves and tossing it in the cart, to which she kept asking, "What's that for?" I wasn't sure, but I just knew I needed it.

I bought a lot of seasonings, and other new foodstuffs that we never tried before, somehow knowing they were the right choices. I just knew it. I would see it on the shelf and my inner voice would say "take it," so I did.

Then I started cooking. By that I mean that I knew how to REALLY cook. Without recipes, just from future memories or guidance from my future self, I was creating incredibly delicious dishes to both my amazement and everyone else's, too.

I was cooking a wide variety of stuff all at once, timing it all to perfection without the use of timers, without thinking, just doing it in a perfectly natural manner, as if I had done it all thousands of times before.

I created a seafood dish that I had never seen or heard of before that first night. It had grilled shrimp with garlic butter sauce, fettuccine noodles, steamed carrots and celery, a tiny bit of sweet onions and steamed broccoli. I put the broccoli in after the carrots had steamed for a little while so that it wouldn't get mushy, instead staying bright green and slightly crisp. I just knew they were done, and they were perfectly cooked; not too long and not too short. I tossed it all in a large bowl and added freshly chopped cilantro and sweet basil and served it with grated parmesan cheese and hot baked biscuits.

It blew my family away! Damn it was good! I got the recipe about a year later when we went to a seafood restaurant and I ordered it. Mine was far better.

I have gotten so many compliments on my cooking, and folks often ask "Where did you learn how to cook like this?" or "Where did you get the recipe?" I can't tell them that I learned it from my future self, or that I don't use actual recipes, that it simply comes to me as I make it, as they wouldn't understand.

One woman got really mad at me. She demanded my recipe for my chicken soup, claiming that it was the best chicken soup she had ever tasted, but when I told her there was no recipe, that I just make it, and never give any thought as to how I did it, well... she thought I was lying and became quite snooty.

4. The Right Spook for the Job: John O'Neill Investigates 9/11

The shocking events of September 11, 2001, still reverberate throughout the world in wars and new security laws and procedures for which the events served and continue to serve as justification. Many died on that day but many more have died since, after an angry populace assented to policies of aggressive militarism. Official explanations were immediately offered but with the passage of time many have questioned them, as they appear to be seriously flawed in a number of ways (See RealityTest's explication of this situation here, in its Controversial Histories section, which includes links to Gerald Shea's Memo to the 9/11 Commission and Christopher Ketcham's CounterPunch article on the same subject.)

September 11, 2001, was also the second day of John O'Neill's new job as chief of security at The World Trade Center. O'Neill, a recently retired FBI man and the bureau's Al Queda expert, died that day, doing his job.

Thinking the deceased O'Neill, possessing the necessary skills and desire, might be the very best spook to ask about the events of 9/11, RealityTest found a talented amateur medium willing to attempt to reach O'Neill and convey his thoughts.

Did the medium succeed? No one can yet determine this, as what O'Neill had to say -- which follows -- has yet to be verified. Certainly many accept the official explanations, despite pecularities and anomalies in those explanations, despite the comments made by the co-chairmen of the 9/11 Commission after the commission concluded its work, and despite the U.S. administration's destruction of its own credibility after 9/11, during the run-up to the invasion of Iraq. Those who accept the official explanations tend to deride anyone who raises the possibility of alternative explanations, while large media corporations invariably portray alternative explanations and their proponents in a negative light.

For such people the very idea of a dead FBI man conveying the essence of his own post-death investigation is not likely to be taken at all seriously; nevertheless, RealityTest offers what it has obtained below, believing that the events will either be forever shrouded in mystery or, possibly, eventually illuminated by as yet unknown latter-day Woodwards and Bernsteins (should the official explanations turn out to be truly as flawed as many suspect). If so, maybe John O'Neill's brief account will serve as a source of inspiration.

Only documented evidence and/or corroborated testimony will resolve the issue (this is so very difficult to obtain, apparently, owing to the destruction of physical evidence, the classification of endless documents, and other factors). In the meantime, please feel free to treat the following strictly as a work of imagination -- a kind of creative fiction -- or, instead, as the genuine afterdeath testimony of an FBI man, translated as well as possible by an amateur medium. You might also choose to wait, and see what the passage of time reveals.

RealityTest: John O'Neill, will you talk about the attacks on 9/11?

John: Yes. I'll talk to you.

RealityTest: Have you learned more about the attacks since you died in the World Trade Center?

John: Yes. I have. It is in my nature to want to understand the complete situation. A bit of "unfinished business" you might say.

RealityTest: What do you remember of that day?

John: I arrived early at work. I had just started my new job and was anxious to get things underway. I entered the building and took the elevator to a temporary office. Work was underway on a permanent office for me and my staff. The permanent office was to be on a lower level, allowing us quick access to any of the buildings within the complex. The new office was to be somewhat of a bunker, quite protected from ordinary bomb attacks.

When the jet collided with my building, I was suddenly shaken as if there were an earthquake. I heard the impact and did not realize at once what had happened. My temporary office was below the floor of the impact. I looked out of the window, which had been broken by the impact. I saw smoke, dust, papers flying and heard screaming. I immediately suspected a bomb, so I went to the stairs and went down to the ground floor. There were many others in the stairwell and some were hysterical, while others were calm and methodically walking down.

At one point, I heard an all clear, but I kept walking downward. It was my job to gather information and determine the cause and extent of damage. At this point, I did not realize that a jet liner had impacted the building. My first thoughts were of explosives.

When I reached the ground floor and exited the building, I saw a second plane rapidly approaching the intact tower. At that moment, I realized that we were under sustained attack and that the impact in my building had been another airplane.

After a quick consultation with a guard who had witnessed the first attack, I moved away from the building far enough that I could see the damage. I went back inside and took the stairs to my office in an attempt to gather important papers that I would need for further investigation. These included detailed maps of the complex showing hidden passageways which were used only by security personnel. These passageways were not doors marked "no admittance" but rather concealed panels which appeared to be plain walls. They were known only to the architect, to some construction workers, and to a select corps of security personnel. Since I was new at the job, I needed the maps. I suspected that terrorists had knowledge of them, and might be concealing themselves within the passageways.

I had reached my office and was searching for the papers when an enormous rumbling began and the first building collapsed. The second collapse followed shortly.

For a time, I thought I was trapped on a stairway with a number of others. I felt no pain, and felt myself moving without effort. It was only after some time that I realized that there was no stairway left, yet there I was---hanging in mid-air so to speak. I thought I was hallucinating, and wondered if I had been injured or if some sort of mind-altering gas had been released. The others, like me, seemed confused and disoriented. We remained in this state for an indeterminate period of time. None of us in pain. All of us confused.

At that point I became aware of an impulse to move. I thought of my office, and with a quick uplift I was there. My office appeared as I had left it. Only gradually did I realize that my office was glowing with a bright yet indirect light that I could not account for.

Then I began to move very quickly and arrived here, to what I know to be home.

RealityTest: When you arrived "home" did you continue to learn about what had happened that day?

John: Not at first. No. But later, I found that I could not focus on other matters until I had satisfied my curiosity about the event.

RealityTest: In what manner did you satisfy your curiosity?

John: Through direct contact, telepathically.

RealityTest: Whom did you contact?

John: I directed my thoughts to the men who were flying the planes. I questioned them. They believed that I was an agent of Allah speaking to them, and so they told me of many things. They were quite proud of their accomplishments.

RealityTest: Did you contact others?

John: Eventually, I contacted many others. Osama bin Laden knew only sketchy details about the planned attacks. He gave money to the effort, but left the specifics to others. There were also other nationals involved, including Americans.

RealityTest: In a nutshell, what did you learn?

John: I learned that there are traitors in my country. I learned CIA knew in advance of this plan and had alerted high officials in our government. It was decided by various people within the administration and the Pentagon to allow this plan to be carried out as it would offer an opportunity for control of Middle Eastern oil and would be an opportunity for world domination.

Instead of thwarting the plan to attack, these people decided to aid and abet the effort in order to be sure that it succeeded. Since it was known that the twin towers were the targets, demolition explosives were implanted into the structures so as to destroy the buildings, and thereby destroy any evidence of the explosives themselves.

RealityTest: Were there other involvements by these traitors?

John: Yes, of course. The facts were altered heavily, and a complicated coverup was in place at the time of the incident. The plan was based on the hope and belief that the attacks would take place as scheduled. They were corroborated by various surveillance films, still shots, phone taps, and the like.

RealityTest: Will you reveal the names of the traitors involved?

John: No. It is not my desire to exact revenge. It would have been my nature in the life just lived, but not now. I will say this one thing: The president was not directly involved, nor did he have prior knowledge of the attacks.

RealityTest: Do you have anything further to say?

John: Not at this time.

RealityTest: Thank you.

John: You are welcome.

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